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Gediz (Turkey)

Menemen Plain in Gediz Basin (Turkey)

Pilot leader: Zübeyde Albayram Doğan


Menemen Plain in Gediz Basin is considered as Turkey’s pilot, which characteristics are crucial for the LENSES project as well as unique product patterns exclusive to the basin. In lower parts of the basin, high groundwater levels are observed as a result of precipitation in winter that prevents production and causes drainage in farming plots. Agricultural areas generally consist of irrigated arable lands however the problem is that excessive irrigation in summer causes salinity in the soil caused by lack of planning. This situation adversely affects agricultural production. The plain is under threat due to its proximity to residential areas. These changes in the agricultural structure and climate change cause decreases in yield and production. Urgent planning is needed for sustainable agriculture and food security in the plain. 


Developing an ecosystem-based basin management system in order to guarantee sustainable agriculture and food supply within the framework of nexus, and to have it adopted by producers through stakeholders. Establishing ecosystem-based solutions to prevent the effects of climate change at the basin level. For this, determination of the current situation will be held (whether the plot basin is affected by drought or floods, land use status, water resources, crop pattern, socioeconomic structure, etc.). In order to determine the ones that need to be corrected, the existing data, additional observations, as well as the analysis and measurements that will be needed. Other activities to be carried out are as follows: Creating land change map, determination of problematic lands and development of suggestions, making interviews with producers through surveys and climate modeling. capacity building of climate change and drought adaptation and dissemination of accurate irrigation practices will be carried out as well as promoting ecosystem-based production. On the other hand, by holding stakeholder meetings, the current situation will be revealed and narrated. 

PURPOSE (intended use)

Main purpose is defined as developing and creating a basin-wide water management system. Other specified purposes are as follows; management to deal with soil salinity, suggesting alternative product patterns and promoting ecosystem-based production, developing capacity for mitigation and adaptation. 


First place beneficiary will be producers on accessing sufficient irrigation water in the outlet parts of the irrigation network and having hydrological and ecological models related to climate change and presenting the outputs to the users (farmers, producers, decision makers etc.) in usable form. On the other hand, decision makers and operators (cooperatives, associations) will benefit while providing data for a solution to decision-makers by revealing the degeneration caused by land-use change and land degradation and suggesting solutions about them.  


Inputs for models (Climatic and agricultural data) and information about the current level of awareness regarding drought-related water constraints and the environmental impacts it brings will be provided. Ecosystem-based solutions to be obtained during the project will provide suggestible and/or applicable approaches for areas where similar problems are experienced. 

Essence of Gediz Pilot:

“Learn, share and work with Nature because Unity is strength”