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1st LENSES PRIMA & REXUS webinar​: “Cross-fertilisation”

13 July 2023

Today, an important event occurred as cross-fertilization meetings with REXUS partners were initiated. The aim is to promote knowledge sharing, learn from experiences, and collectively address challenges in implementing nexus projects.

This first meeting focused on establishing a supportive “Community of Practice” where leaders from different case studies within sister projects could contribute to each other’s success.

Discussions revolved around the procedures employed in the case studies, emphasizing stakeholder input and co-production of solutions. All pilots are using innovative approaches to stakeholder engagement and enhance collaboration in science. Nevertheless, challenges faced during nexus project implementation were acknowledged, particularly those related to participatory elements. Participants shared their perceptions and experiences, providing support and innovative strategies to overcome these challenges.

Brainstorming sessions focused on envisioning the long-term impact and potential legacy of projects beyond scientific outcomes. Participants explored exploitable results, considering areas of study and associated expectations. This inspired further project development and validation.

The meeting concluded with an open discussion and round table format, facilitating the exchange of insights and information among participants. This promoted a deeper understanding of each project and fostered a sense of collective ownership.The initiation of cross-fertilization meetings with REXUS partners signifies a significant step. The supportive “Community of Practice” created during the meeting will continue to provide a platform for valuable exchanges, inspiring sustainable solutions. As these meetings progress, we anticipate further growth and success, leading to impactful outcomes for both REXUS and LENSES projects and beyond.