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Learning and Action Alliances: a knowledge sharing platform

Learning and Action Alliances: a knowledge sharing platform

The LENSES Learning and Action Alliances (LAAs) aim to promote cooperation and collective learning processes among stakeholders through a multi-level and multi-scale participatory approach, to helping in a fair distribution of resources.

The real challenge of a multi-stakeholder engagement process is to establish the connections, interest and tools to enable the creation of an interaction that becomes self-standing and outlives the project. In order to achieve this, LENSES LAAs will integrate discussion and knowledge sharing activities with a structured visioning process concluding in the elaboration of transition roadmaps for the management and operationalization of the WEF Nexus.

This is an innovative approach that will be strengthened through mutual learning across case study LAAs and disseminated via the trans-project LAAs.

The LAAs aim to fulfil this role by providing a virtual and safe space for dialogue with all relevant stakeholders that can be taken up by the stakeholders themselves to establish a governance model for implementation and monitoring of the designed roadmaps, i.e. enhancing institutional and governance capacity for Nexus-doing.

To access our tool, follow this link: